Imagine if the government ran the Internet instead of private companies.
Imagine if private like venture capital firms, angel investors and the public stock markets couldn't invest in new technologies because the government invented everything based on its budget paid for by tax dollars.
Imagine if politicians in Washington D.C. decided which search engine standard they would create and enforce to make sure us dummies could find things on the worldwide web.
Imagine if people like President Obama and his FCC cohorts decided what people could publish and tried to keep it "neutral" with doctrines like the failed "Fairness Doctrine."
Well, you won't have to imagine much longer with the FCC pushing the Leftist "Net Neutrality" rules. Without a single vote by the public or our elected officials, the FCC will start imposing rules on what it considers "fair" and it will maintain monopolies by limiting private companies to compete for providing bandwidth to consumers.
Please post some pictures of what the Internet would look like if the government ran it from the beginning so people get an idea of what lays ahead if we let our government regulate the Internet.
Have fun following the debate on net neutrality on Sodahead